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- Aftercare

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Article about - Aftercare

   After you heal your tattoo, there’s ways of preserving it for as long as possible. Keep in mind that this new art piece is now part of your skin, so the better you treat your body, and skin in particular, the better your tattoo will look for longer. A tattoo isn’t cheap. It’s an investment, and you’re going to want to keep it looking it’s best.


   The best thing you could do for your tattoo is to keep it from getting too much sun. this means whether you go to the beach, go tanning, or even just working outside. If you are getting lots of sun exposure, whether it’s natural or not, it’s best to cover your tattoo. No amount of sunblock will prevent the sun from doing damage. You can make a simple cover by taping a paper towel to the tattoo, or make a permanent cover for it that you always have at your disposal,


NB: This applies to healed tattoos only, never re-bandage/cover a new tattoo that has not fully healed.


Be creative if you need to, because keeping your tattoo sharp and vibrant for years is important. When you’re outside for a long period of time, be it mowing the lawn or anything else, remember to put some really strong sunblock on just your tattoo. Women can keep sunblock in their purses in the summertime, and men should keep a pocket sized one somewhere practical.


    Another important thing to prevent is cutting or scratching your tattoo. When you do this, it leaves little white scars over your tattoo that aren’t always raised, but do detract from your tattoo. The only way to fix these are by getting it retouched, but matching the ink colors are often times very difficult. Although you cannot prevent every little scratch, it’s wise to contemplate ways to lessen the amount of abuse that area of your body receives. 


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Author: Scott Jones